Al Hazm mall
Alhazm, translates into “the higher grounds”, is a unique commercial development in Qatar. Our shopping avenue is destined to cater to the region’s enlightened and affluent while combining art, culture and luxury. This hand crafted architectural marvel, that pays tribute to Italy’s timeless classism and Arabia’s finest hospitality, will be home to the world’s finest restaurants, trendiest cafes and select fashion labels. For the purposes of this visit the comments relate to the common areas of the mall and not individual stores.
- Limited/ no information is provided within pre visit information.
This report has been prepared by Accessible Qatar, an initiative by Sasol Middle East & India (Sasol) as part of its corporate social responsibility programme. This report is not provided on a commercial basis and no fees were charged for the preparation of this report. The report is provided on an “as is, where is” basis and Sasol and its affiliated companies do not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the quality, quantity, value, condition, completeness or accuracy of this report or any information or recommendations included in this report. The venue agrees that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Sasol shall not be liable for any losses, liabilities, costs, damages and expenses that the venue does or will incur or suffer as a direct or indirect result of this report.