Sasol Qatar’s initiative ‘Accessible Qatar’ leads round-table in collaboration with key stakeholders.

Sasol Qatar’s initiative ‘Accessible Qatar’ leads round-table in collaboration with key stakeholders.

Sasol Qatar partnered with Qatar’s Ministry of Social Development and Family and the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) to bring together various stakeholders in a summit organised as a round-table focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Accessibility and Inclusion. The summit’s round-table, including representation from Public Affairs Manager Leyla Mroueh, was held at the Qatar National Convention Center in Doha on 28 November 2023. 

The roundtable’s main objective was to discuss AI’s opportunities and challenges in ensuring accessibility and inclusivity with representatives from different communities. Some issues highlighted during the roundtable included the importance of AI localization in Arabic, addressing biases, and ethical AI principles.

The event was attended by representatives from academia, research, education, and industry experts who provided valuable insights and perspectives. The recommendations gathered from the roundtable will be shared with senior stakeholders and government entities for consideration within a future “AI Ethics and Governance” framework underway.

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