Sasol Qatar recently received a CSR Leadership award at a ceremony to launch the “Qatar CSR Report 2014.” The prestigious award is bestowed upon individuals representing private companies and NGOs for leadership in the field of social responsibility in Qatar. The ceremony was held at Qatar University on March 4th 2015, in the presence of HE Dr. Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Attiyah, President of the Administrative Control & Transparency Authority. Jack Saba, Public Affairs Manager at Sasol Qatar received the award from Professor Sheikha Al Misnad, President of Qatar University.
An article in the CSR Report 2014 highlights Sasol’s contributions to the community over the past year, including its ‘Definitely Able’ initiative. The initiative aims to emphasize on the positive contributions of, and create opportunities for, people living with disabilities. Using sport, culture and art as bridges to understanding, Definitely Able focuses on the abilities of disabled people. In 2014, Sasol hosted the British Paraorchestra for a residency and concert with the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra.
“The year 2014 was a year where Sasol extended its creative programmes that had proven successful in engaging our stakeholders,” said Jack. “Going beyond simply renewing sponsorships, each engagement evolved to reach new stakeholders and further solidify the Sasol name with issues such as empowering disabled people, supporting culture and nature awareness and fostering opportunity development,” he added.
Other highlights of Sasol Qatar’s stakeholder outreach in 2014 included the launch of the Qatar e-Nature application schools contest, running awareness campaigns at the Qatar Petroleum Industrial Cities, sponsoring the Al Fikra National Business Plan Competition, bringing a theatrical play that was performed in Arabic and English promoting the importance of water conservation and developing an educational video for children and parents living with diabetes.
Sasol Qatar latest initiative is the Definitely Able Conference and ILHAM Art Exhibition, an event that highlighted stories, successes and barriers of disabled individuals in Qatar and around the region.